Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Unexpectedly Great Things

We begin each morning here in Lebanon with a devotional and time of reflection.  Today, as we talked about “doing good” and “expected” and “unexpected” results I thought about our work here with the children.  The children are divided into classes and we spend time each day helping them with their math, English and Arabic (yes, Arabic) lessons.  I have been working with the kindergarten class.  When I met the 5 wonderful boys that would be in my class I expected them to be calm, attentive and to eagerly get their lessons done.  Did this happen?  No way!  In fact, the class might often feel more like chaos than learning. Not what I expected!
Has my class learned any new math, English or Arabic skills?  I’m not sure. (I know they haven’t learned any Arabic from me.) But as I thought about “unexpected” results today I realized that even though it may seem like chaos, the time sitting on the floor with puzzles, reading books, singing silly songs, or just playing together is also important.  The children have an opportunity to learn to share and to be patient, kind and respectful.  Throughout the week our group has tried to show all the children the love of Christ in our smiles, our laughter and our hugs as well as the Bible stories, crafts and activities.  We have seen so many positive unexpected results and have received so many unexpected blessings from the children.
I don’t know what the long term results of our time together will be but I trust God to do unexpectedly great things in each of our lives and the lives of the children here in Lebanon.

-Clara Holleyman

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