Monday, July 8, 2013


Monday, July 8th

This was the first day of our regular schedule with the boys. We began at 9am with chapel and I read a Bible story about Simon and his friends fishing (great illustrations & one that I read to my own boys).  It's amazing how these boys always get the deeper meaning of the stories.  Josh then read a devotional from the kid's version of "Jesus Calling".  We brought three copies (one for each unit) and he showed them how they can read one each day.  Johnny told me later in the day that I speak Texan well.  I took it as a compliment, but the rest of the team poked a little fun at me.  We then passed out name tags and talked about ways to earn stickers during our school time when they practiced math, English and Arabic (they taught us).  The first day went pretty well considering we were 3 short on our team (they went to SKILD).  Most of the boys earned a sticker for doing their best and being respectful.

After a much needed 30 minute break the boys came back into the "great hall" to hear a Bible story about Abraham & Sarah being friendly neighbors.  Does this sound familiar to anyone?  Yes, we used the same materials as our Children's Bible Club.  We were not able to play our music today (technical problems) and without Kim, so Josh did a great job of stretching a story into 1 1/2 hrs.  The boys went to their units for lunch and rest time.

At 2pm the bell rang and they lined up outside in their 3 units to hear about recreation and crafts.  The boys were really excited about us bringing BU basketballs and soccer balls for them to play with.  Les, TC and Josh headed up the games and Tim and I did crafts (with the help of Maya and Leah -girls of staff).  These groups were divided into younger and older and this worked really well.  The last hour we had competition between the units and we are trying to keep score so that by the end of our trip the unit that wins will be awarded a trophy (to keep until next year).  Just to let you know, the temperature is milder this summer than the past, only 93.

After dinner, there was a farewell party for the Gregory's (director of Dar el Awlad).  He and his family have been here for 10 years and they are returning to England tomorrow.  It was so impressive how the boys prayed for them.  The good news is that Joseph has been made director and he has been here for 24 years and his wife will be the lead teacher at the school; this will be an easy transition for the boys.  Our day ended with ice cream for everyone (which is always good)


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